In other words, if you would like to play volleyball, the question is, What do you know about the history of volleyball in Nigeria? Are you aware of the prominent volleyball rules? However, keep reading this article, and you will find out more about Volleyball games. For this reason, we are here to give well-detailed information about Volleyball in Nigeria. Stating the history of volleyball in Nigeria, and the organization that governs Volleyball in Nigeria which is the Nigeria Volleyball Federation. As well as the rules of volleyball and the finally, Volleyball Academy in Nigeria.

About Volleyball

As we said earlier, volleyball is one of the most successful recreational sports in the world. Specifically, volleyball is a sport that is played by two teams on a playing court that is divided by a net. The main objective of this game is to hit the ball over the net towards the opponent playing court. In such a way they hope the opponent team makes a mistake. If the team returns the ball, they receive three hits for returning the ball. A team is allowed only three touches of the ball before it must be returned over the net. The game kicks off officially by putting the ball in play with a service, that is a hit by the server over the net to the opponent team. The rally then continues until the ball goes out from the playing court or a team fails to return it properly. In volleyball, the team that wins a rally earns a point (Rally Point System). When the receiving team wins a rally, it earns a point and the right to serve, and its players turn clockwise one position. However, volleyball is unique among the net games, as it insists that the ball is in constant flight, a flying ball, and gives each team some internal overtaking before the ball is returned to its opponents.

History and Origin of Volleyball

Volleyball is an Olympic kind of sport. It’s fast, it’s exciting and the action is explosive. However, volleyball includes several overlapping elements whose complementary interactions make it unique among rally games. Well, if you are wondering who invented Volleyball, read on to get your answer. Volleyball was invented in 1895 by William G. Morgan, physical director of the Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) in Holyoke, Massachusetts. In his mind, he had the aim of designing the game as an indoor sport for businessmen who found the new basketball game too strenuous. Morgan called the sport “mintonette” until a professor at Springfield College in Massachusetts observed the character of the volleyball game and proposed the name “volleyball.” The original rules were written by Morgan and published in the first edition of the Official Manual of the. Sports League of Christian Associations of Young Men of North America (1897). The game quickly seduced men and women to schools, playgrounds, armed forces, and other organizations in the United States. Then it was introduced in other countries. In 1916, the YMCA and the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) jointly did publish the rules. The YMCA National Physical Education Committee in New York did organize the first national tournament in the United States in 1922. The United States Volleyball Association (USVBA) was established in 1928 and was recognized as the governing body of the U.S. As of 1928, the USVBA, now known as USA Volleyball (USAV), held annual national men’s and senior volleyball championships (over 35 years old), except in 1944 and 1945. They did create its women’s division in 1949 and included a division of older women (30 years and older) in 1977. USAV member groups organize other national events in the United States such as the YMCA and the NCAA

History of Volleyball in Nigeria

In this section, we are here to give you a full download of the history of volleyball in Nigeria. We believe this section of the article will clear up this question “How did volleyball start in Nigeria? As Volleyball came into existence, many countries got to adopt the game. And Nigeria is one of those countries that took the came to the extra point. It has become a great and competitive game now in Nigeria, especially the Nigeria Women’s Volleyball. Nobody can say exactly when volleyball came into existence in Nigeria. However, just like other existing sports in Nigeria, we can actually assume that volleyball came into Nigeria when the country was colonized. Furthermore, after Nigeria gained independence, there has been steady growth in the Volleyball game. Currently, there are two volleyball national teams in Nigeria, the male and female volleyball squads. The Nigeria Volleyball Federation, which governs volleyball-related activities in the country is led by the President, Mr. Musa Nimrod Maniyunda, and is located in Abuja.

Brief History of Nigeria Volleyball Referee Association

Before the formation of the Nigeria Volleyball Referee Association, people have been playing the game of volleyball in places like Lagos. In the 1960s, Refereeing was already in existence since volleyball was already popular. The relevance of a referee became more evident at the beginning of competitive volleyball. Like other sports, it was necessary to officiate and interpret the rules and regulations of the game for all participants and spectators. However, the instructors who taught the game became the referees because they were very aware of the rules and regulations that govern it. As a result, the instructors / Coaches trained their teams and refereed matches. Nigerian coaches, most of whom were former national players, knew the game well and played the double role of coach and referee. In the 1970s, most coaches acted as referees with a few who knew football well. All efforts to separate coaches and referees were in defeat at first, but as the game grew throughout the world. It became necessary to separate the two. The eventual separation led to the inauguration of the Association of Arbitrators in 1977 at the National Sports Festival in Kaduna (“Kaduna 77”). Specifically, chaired by Professor Ajuduah, whose first president was the first secretary, Mr. Patrick Okolo. It was after the training of more referees began and the search for the FIVB badge became paramount. This became an achievement in 1985 when Nigeria obtained its first international referee with the FIVB label through Fred Agufobi. After a series of local and international courses, the country had two (2) international referees in 1996.

Nigerian Volleyball Federation

A decisive moment in the history of the first 100 years of volleyball was undoubtedly the foundation of the FIVB (International Volleyball Federation). When in April 1947 representatives from 14 countries (Belgium, Brazil, Czechoslovakia, Egypt, France, Netherlands). Also, Hungary and Italy), Poland, Portugal, Romania, Uruguay, United States, and Yugoslavia) met in Paris. Directly under the leadership of Frenchman Paul Libaud to found the FIVB. Mr. Libaud, president of the French Federation, was elected the first president of the FIVB. The headquarters were established in Paris, where they remained for 37 years, until 1984, when Dr. Rubén Acosta de México succeeded Libaud. With the strong support of the current president of the Nigeria Volleyball Federation, the country now has 7 International Referees and 3 International Candidate Referees. With the introduction of beach volleyball as a competitive sport, Nigeria won its first international referee in 1994 for Samuel Timothy. In line with what is happening in the other volleyball nations, Nigeria has structured its Referees Association in three (3) grades. There are currently more than 200 registered referees in Nigeria.

Nigeria Volleyball Team

A team in Nigeria Volleyball match comprise exclusively 12 players, including Coaching Staff and Medical Staff. The coaching staff comprises one coach, and a maximum of two assistant coaches, while the Medical Staff comprises one team therapist and one medical doctor. Only the two players that they recorded on the score sheet have the right to participate in the match. Only those who appear on the score sheet can normally participate in the competition/control the area and participate in the official warm-up and the match. For the FIVB, World, and official competitions for the elderly: You can register up to 14 players on the score sheet and play in a match. The maximum of five staff members in the bank (including the coach) are chosen by the coach himself but must appear in the match sheet and will be entered in the O-2 (bis). The team leader or team reporter cannot sit or fall behind the bank in the control zone. Any doctor or equipment therapist used in FIVB, World and Official competitions must be part of the official delegation and previously accredited by the FIVB. However, for the FIVB, World, and official competitions for seniors, if they are not included as team bench members have to sit near the limit, within the area of ​​competition control and can only intervene at the invitation of the referees to deal with an Emergency to the players. The therapist’s team (even if you are not in the bank) can help warm up until the start of the official match net warming session. The official rules of each event are found in the Specific competition manual.

Rules of Volleyball Game

In recent years, the FIVB has taken great steps to adapt the game to a modern audience. This text is intended for a wide volleyball audience (players, coaches, referees, spectators, commentators) For the following reasons:

a better understanding of the rules of a volleyball game, better game – coaches can create a better team structure and tactics that allow players to show their skills;Understanding the relationship between the rules of volleyball allows officials to make better decisions.

This introduction first addresses volleyball as a competitive sport, before beginning to identify the main qualities required for successful arbitration. For the Rules and Regulations of Volleyball games, click below

Types of Volleyball Game

Snow Volleyball Game

You might be asking, what is snow volleyball? Snow volleyball demonstrates the fun, passion, and universality of volleyball. Which is now available year-round, from summer to winter, from the beach to mountain, indoors and outdoors. This is Volleyball anytime, anywhere, anywhere. The FIVB is currently developing snow volleyball by joining forces with existing sporting events to raise public awareness about the sport. And to create a global movement based on what has already been implemented in the European circuit. Between 2017-2019, the FIVB aims to establish an eight-year plan and test the rules and regulations at various events. The vision of the FIVB is to provide opportunities to practice volleyball in all its forms, to unite people in a peaceful environment, with the aim of becoming the number one family sport in the world. The FIVB has recognized snow volleyball as one of its disciplines and expects all the governing bodies affiliated with volleyball to do the same in their respective countries. This will contribute to the growth of local and international sports. The objective is to have a complete world circuit from the 2018/2019 season (minimum of three stops in the territory of three different confederations), a world championship in 2021 and a demonstration event at the Olympic Games. The youth of 2020 in Lausanne.

Beach Volleyball Game

Beach Volleyball game is a sport played by two teams on a sand court divided by a net. The team has three hits for returning the ball (including the block touch). In Beach Volleyball, the team winning a rally scores a point (Rally Point System). When the receiving team wins a rally, it gains a point and the right to serve. The serving player must be alternated every time this occurs. The beach volleyball phenomenon also continues to amaze. The overwhelming spectator and television success of Beach Volleyball since its introduction to the Olympic Games at Atlanta 1996. And the stunning success of the FIVB Swatch World Tour and World Championships has opened up volleyball to a completely new market. For the Rules and Regulations of Volleyball games, click below

Nigeria Volleyball Academy

A much a volleyball is so interesting, people these days crave to go into knowing and learning how to play volleyball. Finding yourself in any Volleyball Academy ill help boot your capacity and also help you harness your potential in sports. Basically, in Nigeria, there is no Volleyball Academy, but there are clubs that you can identify yourself in. Below is the list of NigeriaVolleyball Clubs you can find near you.