According to NAFSA, speaking English fluently and creating a plan to support your family while you’re studying is a key part of your application process. When you create an effective plan to help you execute all your study goals, you can increase your chances of getting your visa speedily. If you’ve always wanted to know how long a student visa lasts, you’ll learn about it from this article. The table of contents will clearly review all the information you need to know about the duration of a student visa.

The Difficulties Involved In Getting of a Student Visa

When you want to get a student visa, you have to follow the right processes. A good start will be to find out all the requirements you need to get a student visa. Student visas’ are plenteous, and each type of visa follows a unique process. When you want to take up the popular F-1 visa, you will encounter some common challenges especially in gathering your documents. A good rule would be to check for the required documents and gather them three months ahead. Another challenge you would have encountered would be travelling for your interview. However, because of the pandemic and nerw regulations, you can have virtual interviews for your student visa. So, you need to prepare for your interview and speak with confidence.

How Long Does a Student Visa Last?

The duration of a student visa depends on a lot of factors. However, when you identify the type of visa involved, and the conditions meted out for such a visa, you would have covered a large aspect of the process which can give you insight into the duration. We want to make it easier for you as we have listed the time duration a student visa can last in each continent.

How Long Does a Student Visa in America Last?

As a student nursing an ambition to study in America, you will need to know how long you would have to be in the U.S when you don’t have a visa. Well, staying without a visa is a serious crime in any part of the world. As a student studying in America, your F-1 visa will remain valid for 60 days after completion of your program.

How Long Does a Student Visa in Europe Last?

As a student studying in Europe, you use the Student Schengen Visa. If you want to opt for a longer stay, getting a visa would be a better option. Generally, you can stay in Europe for about 90 days after the completion of your study program. The idea behind studying in Europe is to boost your knowledge and take it back to your home country to help your local community and nation at large.

How Long Does a Student Visa in Australia Last?

Studying in Australia is an interesting experience. With their common weather, you experience an interesting full of adventure in any Australian university. According to Study Options, your student visa will last for the duration of your study program (including holiday periods) and will allow you some time to remain in Australia at the end of your course. This time can range from one to three months, depending on the length of your course and the month in which it ends.

How Long Does a Student Visa in Asia Last?

With Asian countries, the story takes an interesting twist. Many Asian countries demand you possess a visa that can stay for your period of study and an additional 6 months. If your visa will expire before this timeline, renew it.

How To Renew a Student Visa

Renewing your student visa is a straightforward process. And the first important step would be to set an interview date for your visa renewal. When you set your interview date, you must send supporting documents to your embassy which include: Under the financial documents section, you outline:

If you are receiving funding from Brandeis, get an up-to-date letter from Student Financial Services or your department, which specifies your scholarship, fellowship, loan, or financial help.Bank statements provided to the embassy officials must be original documents.Any bank statement other than your personal account must be accompanied by a signed sponsorship letter from the bank account holder.


Every student visa will last for the duration of your study. However, you can decide to start your renewal process before the time of expiry, especially when you want to start a higher program at the university.

