The 2022 Wheelwright Prize is now accepting applications; This annual prize is dedicated to fostering new forms of architectural research informed by cross-cultural engagement. This program is open to architects at the beginning of their careers. Applicants from all countries are admitted.

About Wheelwright Prize

The Wheelwright Prize is a $100,000 travel-based research grant that is awarded annually to early-career architects who have demonstrated exceptional design talent, produced work of scholarly and professional merit, and who show promise for continued creative work. Throughout its history, Harvard GSD has had a strong global outlook, attracting deans, faculty, and students from all over the world. Moreover, a mainstay of the Harvard GSD curriculum is its traveling studio, which emphasizes the acceptance of ideas and practices with a diversity of origins. The Wheelwright Prize extends the school’s ethos, encouraging a broad-minded approach to architecture that seeks inspiration from unexpected quarters. The Wheelwright Prize is intended to spur innovative research during the early stage of an architect’s professional career. Now open to applicants from all over the world—no affiliation to Harvard GSD required—the prize aims to foster new forms of research informed by cross-cultural engagement.

Scholarship Benefits

The best applicants in wheelwright prize 2022 will receive a $100,000 travel grant, an invitation to a presentation at Harvard GSD, and the opportunity to publish their research findings in a Harvard GSD publication.

Scholarship Eligibility

The Wheelwright Prize is open to emerging architects practising anywhere in the world. The primary eligibility requirement is that;

Application Procedures

An international jury will select a winner based on the quality of the applicant’s portfolio, scholarly accomplishments, originality or persuasiveness of the research proposal, evidence of ability to fulfill the proposed project, and the potential for the Wheelwright Prize to impact his or her future development. Click the following link for More Information. The Wheelwright Prize is a $100,000 travel-based research grant that is awarded annually to early-career architects who have demonstrated exceptional design talent, produced work of scholarly and professional merit, and who show promise for continued creative work. The best applicants in wheelwright prize 2022 will receive a $100,000 travel grant, an invitation to a presentation at Harvard GSD, and the opportunity to publish their research findings in a Harvard GSD publication.
Applications must be submitted online no later than January 26, 2022. Incomplete or late applications will not be allowed.
Click the following link to apply and for More Information. The wheelwright prize is available for international students.